Our School » Principal's Welcome

Principal's Welcome

Dear Olinda Families, 

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year, Eagles! I am so excited to start another year together. This year, we will “SOAR to New Heights” as we work together to achieve our academic, social, and personal goals. Throughout the year, we will continue to focus on our SOAR expectations to help every student do their very best!

Show Self-Control Make good choices that keep us and others safe.

Own Your Actions Take ownership of your learning and work hard to succeed.

Act Responsibly Be intentional, thoughtful, and considerate with your actions.

Respect Self and Others Treat others the way you want to be treated.

The faculty and staff at Olinda are committed to providing a rigorous educational experience for all students through engaging classroom practices and curriculum, regular integration of technology and the arts, as well as incorporating hands-on experiences.  Through partnership with our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), students will experience enrichment activities throughout the year, such as Moonlight Music, Life Science, and Art Masters.  We will also continue to provide extracurricular activities such as Show Choir, Band, and Orchestra.   

Important Information:

  • Class Postings will be made available by the end of the day on your Parent Portal on Wednesday, August 14th.  Be sure to complete the Data Confirmation process in order to access class placement information. 
  • School Supplies lists can be found on our website under the “Our School” tab. 

Important Dates:

  • First Day of School is Thursday, August 15th. On the first day of school ONLY, parents will be allowed to walk their students to their classrooms. After the first day, parents will not be allowed on campus during drop off and pick up times.  
  • Early Release Wednesday will begin on August 21st.  TK/Kinder have a dismissal time of 1:15pm and grades 1-6 will be dismissed at 1:25pm on Early Release Wednesdays.
  • Back to School Night is scheduled for Wednesday, August 28th at 6:00pm - 7:30pm.  We will meet in the Lunch Shelter for introductions and announcements before opening classrooms.  I hope to see you there!

I firmly believe that the best way to meet the needs of our students is to form strong partnerships with our families.  Please consider getting involved by joining our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), School Site Council (SSC), and/or our English Language Advisory Council (ELAC).  You can also stay informed by following our school on Instagram @olindaelementary and by signing up to be a PTO member through the PTO website.  We encourage everyone to connect with our community by attending Back to School Night, Open House, Cook’s Night Outs, and Family Fun Nights.  Be on the lookout for information throughout the year! Lastly, our Olinda Elementary School website and weekly newsletters are valuable resources and include links to teacher websites, school and district information, and more.  

The Olinda staff and I look forward to seeing you all on our first day of school on August 15th. This is going to be another great year, Eagles!


Aubrey Lim
