MISS SUSAN COBURN » HOMEWORK Week of April 22 - 26

HOMEWORK Week of April 22 - 26

****Walk Through California - Monday, May 6th from 8:10-10:50 a.m. (Please start helping your child find a costume and memorize their lines. 
*****New Trimester Goals due May 24th  
MONDAY - Dress like someone you admire/Superhero
* STMATH 90%  
* iReady Reading - 2 lessons
* iReady Math - 2 lessons
* CA packet due May 3
* Science Earth Day podcast worksheet due Friday
* Science Earth Day TFK due Friday 
* Memorize vocabulary cards for Walk Through 
* STMath 90% 
* iReady Reading - two lessons per week 
* iReady Math - two lessons per week 
* Math Lesson 12.8
* Lunch Money Ch. 12-15 Questions in Google Classroom - must be submitted and turned in by 8:00 a.m. tomorrow
* TFK due Friday
* Science podcast due Friday 
* CA packet due May 3 
WEDNESDAY - College Wear
* STMATH 90% 
* iReady Reading - two lessons per week 
* iReady Math - two lessons per week      
* Math Lesson 12.9 
* TFK due Friday
* Science due Friday 
* STMATH 90%  
* iReady Reading - 2 lessons
* iReady Math - 2 lessons
* Math Lesson 12.10 
* TFK due tomorrow
* Science due tomorrow 
FRIDAY - Spirit Wear  
* Lesson 12.11 due Monday
* STUDY FOR MATH CHAPTER 12 TEST on Tuesday; we will be reviewing on Monday